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Friday, October 5, 2007

Groups for men... not a novel idea.


Groups for men are not a novel idea, nor are they the private domain of psychotherapy or AA or the new "men's movement." No, being part of a group for men has always been a valued source of companionship, identity, learning and fun which we have lost. Remember team sports, boy scouts, the "gang", fraternity, the club, even your army platoon; remember what you got from those experiences? Today, most men are completely isolated from any type of "male "reference" group; so have lost the needed reorientation which other men have always provided for them. Simply stated, we need other men in our lives to keep the "spirit" of being a man alive. We need men in our lives so we feel confident in the ideals we pass along to our children; and we need men in our lives so we know how to give to, and what to expect from, our women. Being part of a group of men capable of exploring their world is a powerful experience. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities for men to have this experience which is why we started "MensWork."

“MensWork” is a learning experience for and about men looking to accelerate their growth into fully mature and self-actualized men, we call this man “King.” Some authors have referred to this final stage of male development as “the King within,” or the "deep masculine." Men at this stage of development feel completely engaged in life; and challenged by life’s problems; rather than overburdened, frustrated and depressed. Relationships with family and friends work because this man freely empowers others knowing that the source of his own power is within his control and inexhaustible. His community knows him as a man willing to give of himself and his time.

MensWork is designed to help men unlock their true masculine power and with it the motivation to improve their lives, their relationships, and the world around them. Men self-actualize or grow toward becoming kings only when they can reclaim their power as men. We believe men can learn to feel more powerful by working together within a trusting environment of relationships with other men. Groups of men work together helping each other overcome obstacles, which prevent a man from experiencing himself as powerful. The cohesiveness of a men’s group holds each member accountable to live his life according to the standards he has set forth for himself as a man thus encouraging and supporting the changes he wants to make.

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